BOOKINGS 310.853.0744
Microblading Aftercare
2 Hours after initial procedure, take a damp cotton round or make up remover to gently dab the brows every hour if the brows feel wet or are secreting lymph. It is important that the lymph does not dry up and crust on the brows.
After 24 hours, it is ok to gently wash your brows with a gentle cleanser or baby soap. Please wipe in the direction of hair growth. Pat dry and do not scrub the brows.
If you have normal to dry skin, Apply aquaphor morning, noon and night. If your skin is oily, apply aquaphor twice a day. This is important to add moisture to the skin to avoid excessive scabbing. Apply aquaphor until brows are healed.
It is ok to gently was your brows daily to keep good hygiene.
DO NOT stand facing the shower head during the healing process. Avoid excessive water exposure.
DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate. Picking can cause infection, scarring or pigment loss.
Avoid pools, sauna steam rooms, hot showers and hot baths for 3 weeks.
Avoid excessive sweating for the first 5 days.
Keep hair bangs pulled back and away from the treated area especially the first 48 hours post procedure.
Do not use makeup or anti-aging skincare products on the treated area until the brows are healed.
No facials, laser treatments, chemical treatments and microbdermabrasions for 4 weeks.
Do not use any Retin-A, Glycolic, alpha hydroxy acids, hydrocortisone or benzyl peroxide products on the brow area to prolong the pigment retention.
Use sunscreen after 7 days of healing. Keep brows out of the sun to avoid fading.
Day 1-2 The eyebrows are approximately 40% darker and bolder than they will be once they are healed. Your skin will be pink or red under the pigment which will cause the color of the pigment to look much darker. Redness and swelling will subside gradually. Eyebrows might start to itch and may appear to look much thicker in texture.
Day 4-5 The skin’s dead cells will begin to flake and peeling might begin around the edges of the brows.Scabbing exfoliating will begin. Once this happens, pigment may seem as though it may be gone. New skin still needs to heal. And pigment is pushed down to the deeper layer.
Day 6-10 Color will finish flaking off and appear patchy and much lighter and softer. Allow for the color to fully develop. Allow skin to heal to retain pigment. Pigment will then become darker and settle back into the skin.
Day 30+
Sunbathing, solarium, light therapies, chemical peelings, fruit acids, microdermabrasion, creams that contain regeneration factors.Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area (Fraxel laser, IPL), because they can destroy the pigment and cause burns. Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to a faster pigment fading. Always protect the eyebrows from the sun with SPFs (not during the first 7 days)
A touchup sessions is recommended 8-12 weeks after your Eyebrow Microblading session to touch up any loss of color. Client is responsible for scheduling their appointment. If apportionment is not scheduled by client or client misses appointment they will lose the special touch up rate.